Timo's Radiopages, huge antique radio collection, tuberadio, tuberadios, old radios, radiocollector       Suomi Svenska English Español Russian

  ASA 351P               Helvar Super 6              Nordell & Koskinen Salora 40
Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Timo Rantasaari

On these pages I present my collection of old radios and other electronic equipment.

I constantly update and add new devices. More information about the devices
can be proposed via the feedback page. Also on the feedback page you can leave
your suggestions to improve the site and the comments if you find any errors.
Thanks to all who helped and provided for more information!

Last update: 21.10.2024
Articles: 2626  Images: 35757

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Counter started on 15 December 2023

Timo's Radiopages were part of the programme for the centenary of Finland’s independence in 2017.
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